College Kids, Take Heart. Not Everyone In The Real World Is From The Loony Bin

You probably know where I am going with this by now. And you are correct. This girl is under the delusion that she is a boy. So the college endorses her sharing living quarters and bathrooms with "other boys". The purpose of this is to confirm to this young girl that her delusion of being a boy is accurate and she will be treated as such. It is of no concern how the guys on the floor feel about this or anyone else for that matter. The only thing that matters is how this young girl feels.
Now, I knew this sort of thing was going on, but it was different hearing it from someone who is actually in the situation. To these young college kids who are still shaping their belief system, all of this can be very confusing. They start to question what they know to be true. They may even start to think that they are the one that have it all wrong and this girl really is a boy. Why would the college treat her that way if it wasn't true?
They are being constantly bombarded with messages that the "old ways" of thinking are outdated and the new age philosophy of "feelings trump everything" is the right way of thinking.
I am here to say to these young college kids. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! It might feel like you are the only one that understands logic right now, but trust me you are not. Right now, you are in a concentrated convergence of stupid when it comes to this stuff. When you graduate and enter the "real world", you will see that these people who are telling you things that make no logical sense are really the massive minority. Most people don't think that someone can change their gender based on feelings. And the ones that do often go on to work at colleges.
Will there be some of this when you graduate? Sure. There is never a shortage of lies and stupidity in our world. And the unfortunate thing is, usually the people spreading these lies are the most loud and obnoxious. They are called the "vocal minority" and that is exactly what they are. The minority.
So for now, be encouraged. You are not insane. Hold onto what you know in your heart to be true and stick to it. Not everyone out here is from the loony bin.
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