The 4 P's of Finding a Wife

Some of you may have heard of the 4 P's of Marketing or the Marketing Mix. Product, Placement, Price, and Promotion. What most of you probably don't know is that these same 4 P's can be used to help you find a wife.

If there is one thing that drives me nuts, it is young guys who complain about being single yet they persist in doing the opposite of the things that help you find a wife! It's like people who complain about having no money, and then they go buy a $700 purse on a credit card. It's just plain old dumb!

There is absolutely no shortage quality, eligible, single women out there. Single men just need to get their crap together enough to go and get one.

This 4 P's strategy is not an end-all-be-all, but I think it is a great place to start for any guy or girl who would like to find a spouse.

1. Product

The first of the 4 P's is "Product". In marketing, this is the good or service that you sell to the customer. As the man, you are the product and the woman is your customer. If your "product" is trash, your "customer" might go on a date once, but they sure as heck won't do it again.

The Pastor at my church has a great way of putting this concept. He says "be the kind of person the person you are looking for is looking for".  (go ahead and read that again - slowly) It sounds like such a simple concept, but there are guys all over who say they want a nice, wholesome girl while they continue to sleep with anything that walks. If your last "relationship" ended because she caught you texting another girl, you might be the problem.

The bottom line is, if you want a quality women, be someone worthy of a quality woman. Good women don't have time for players, losers, or smooth talkers. They want a man of integrity who will eventually be a good role model for their children. They might even want a guy who has a job and a plan for his life... as hard as that is to believe.

Be a product worth having.

2. Placement

This one might be my favorite of all 4. The concept, again, is a simple one. If I am selling snow shoes I don't go to the beach to sell them. That's what sophisticated business people call "stupid". I would be much better off going to a ski resort to sell snow shoes. It makes perfect sense.

Ironically, single guys try to sell snow shoes at the beach all the time. In other words, they try to find a quality girl in places where quality girls generally do not spend their time.

I recently went to a wedding with my wife and we somehow ended up at a table with just us and about six single ladies. All attractive, nice girls. You'd think that this table would have been a "hot-spot" for single guys to hang out at this wedding. But it wasn't. The entire night all six of these girls talked and danced, not with other single guys, but with each other. There is no excuse for this men. If a single guy would turn his brain on long enough to notice six girls dancing in a circle and inject himself into that situation, maybe, just maybe he could get one of these girls to dance with him or at least talk to him!

So instead of looking for nice girls in bars, start to open your eyes and take notice of where nice girls actually spend their time. Maybe join a young people group at church, or a co-ed volleyball league, or help with your local Young Life. Stop being a victim and go do something.

Put yourself where your customer is.

3. Price

In business you want to price your product appropriately. If you price your product too high, no one will buy it and you won't make any money. If you price your product too low, lots of people will buy it, but you still won't make any money, because your margins will be too low and you won't be able to keep up.

The guy who prices himself too high is the guy with impossible standards. He wants to marry a super-model with a PHD and no baggage, that doesn't get tired eyes in the morning. This guy will never find a woman, because he thinks he is God's gift to women and he deserves the perfect girl.

On the other end of the spectrum you have the guy I talked about earlier who sleeps with anything that walks. This guy won't have any trouble finding a girl, but his "relationships" will never be profitable. He will be viewed as cheap and shallow. Trust me, you don't want to be this guy.

The guy who prices himself appropriately knows that there is no perfect girl, but he also does not undervalue himself. If he thinks a girl is a 10 and he is a 6, he doesn't overthink it. If he likes the girl he goes after her anyway. Who knows, maybe she will think he is a 10 too!

Price yourself appropriately.

4. Promotion

This is where the rubber meets the road. Once you build a great product, put it where your customer is, and then price it appropriately, you then have to tell your customer about that product. You can be a great guy, who hangs out in the right places, and has the right standards, but if girls don't know you exist, because you don't talk to them, it is going to be quite a challenge to get one of them to marry you.

Sadly, a lot of really great guys out there end up getting left on the sidelines because they do not actually talk to girls they are interested in. On the other hand there are some guys who only know how to sell, but their product is garbage, and they end up faking it long enough to get a nice girl to marry them. This is one of the biggest tragedies of them all, because there are women out there who deserve a great guy, but for some reason that guy won't step up to the plate and take a swing.

The other thing about quality women, kind of like quality real-estate, is they do not stay on the market long. When I first met my wife I was far from perfect, but I knew I had to act quickly. When I found out she was single I was relentless in my pursuit. I knew that if I sat on my hands it wouldn't be long before someone else came along and snatched her up. I wasn't about to let that happen.

Promote yourself.

If you are a single guy and you would like to find a wife start putting these 4 P's into action and I guarantee you will start to see progress towards your goal. In life, people are not successful because of what they know, but because of what they do. Knowledge means nothing if you don't do anything with it. You have nothing to lose. Worst case scenario, you become a better person in the process.  


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